Monday, November 2, 2009

loveely day!

Hey guys, so the rest of my day went great (:
After breakfast, I went on a run. I did 4 by a mile at 6:30 pace with 2 min. of rest inbetween.
Ofcourse, after i'm done with all that hard work, i'm ready for some protein filled food!
I decided to have :
a delicious salad with romaine lettuce, cucumbber, pepper and sesame asian dressing.
2 mini " pizzas" made of 2 huge slices of fresh bread with tomatoe paste, tomatoe sauce, 3 slices of kraft, some parmasean(?), squash, basil, curry and chili powder and some hot sauce. CAN YOU SAY HEAVEN?! and also a delicious mango. After i ate, i went in the shower and talked to my boyfriend for an hour or two. I came down and it was about 4, so my tummy said time for a snackk (:
I had canned papaya, pineapple and mango in a passionfruit sauce. Along side, i had a delicious glass of hot chocolate made with 12 oz. whole milk, and 2 packets of hot chocolate with a peppermint stick or two (;
After, me madre and I went to the dollar store and purchased some much needed pretzals to go along with my new peanutbutter!
For dinner, i had a can of tuna with ketchup and a tiny bit of mayo, acorn and butternot squah with honey on top! Also, a hugee bowl of smart start, with some rasins and almonds on top.
For dessert, i had chocolate marshmellow icecream, with a banana, honey, cinnamon and nutmeg! absolutely amazinng(:

I do have a question for anyone that reads my posts! How do you make acorn squash taste better! I love all kinds of squash, but this just isn't hitting it right on the mark!

Later, i had a few servings(3) of pretzals with 2 tbsp of peanutbutter and 1 tablespoon of nutella <33
Night girllls, hope you had a great dayy (:

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