Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas (:

hey! merry christmas (:

Yesterday, was thefirst time in probably 2.5 years i was triggered.
I know this is horrible to say, but i'm used to being the smallest one wherever i go.

My cousing just got out of a bad situation, and she refused to eat there.
so now shes about my size, maybe even bigger. It's just so hard for me. I reallllly need to stop comparing. But even though, i still ate my many calories.

Yesterday, I did a wonderful run.
2 mile warm @ 7:57 pace.
5 X 1000 m. @ 3:44 with :90 rest.
2 mile cool @ 8:42 pace
goood run, and i got a delicios protein smooothie, and 2 cliff bars, but only ate one!

But i had the other one this morning(:

i also had some truffles, and a HUGE thing of apple juicee (:
i don't know how to move the pictures around, all i know how to do is add them, but they just go to the top of the page :(


  1. Good for you for still getting your calories in: after such an intense training session you definitely needed them!

    I wish I could help with the images but when I was on blogger you could just drag and drop them where you wanted them to go within the text...

    Thanks so much for your comments to me ~ I hope that one day I can have as much talent and ability when it comes to running as you do!


  2. aww, thanks girl. You actually did help me becasue thats all i needed to do (:
    And you already do have the talent, sometimes you just have to find what works for you in traing! maybe try to cut back on the miage and up the intensity, id be glad to help you with a training schedule (: KEEP UP THE AWESOME WORKK (:
