Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I've been MIA for a looooong time, if anybody actually reads this. I have been doing GREAT with my eating and running.

For breakfast i had a 3/4 cup of steel oats, with sugar, and milk, with some peppermint sticks (:

I also had a 100 calorie yogurt that tasted like poop! and snow crack that isnt pictured, but if you have never tried this, you must!

snow, milk, sugar and vanilla extract! its addicting, thats why its called snow crack (:

Hope everyboddy has a wonderfull christmass!

and heres a picture of my WONDERFUL puppppy (:


  1. Haha snow crack...

    I used to eat snow when I was was the 'cool' thing to do. x)

    Merry Christmas to you too!

  2. haha it stilll is (:
    its addictinnng (:
    thanks for commenting vanilllla!
