Thursday, February 25, 2010

running and binging?

lots of food lots of running.
these past few weeks have been amazing. espically witth running!
im beginning my taper, or have already begun, because I HAVE NATIONALS THIS WEEEKEND! WOOOOOOOO!
saturday- 5:20 mile total on the day - 6.5
sunday- easy 3.5
monday- 1.5 mile warm up. 2X2.1 hilly miles @ 6:30 pace w. 5 min. recovery. 6X100 m. fast with 100 m. walk 3/4 cool.
tuesday- 1.5 warmup. 200- :34 400- 1:19 1000- 3:35.6 400- 1:13.5 400- 1:14 200- :35 200- :34. 1 mile cool. GREAT RUNNN
wednesday- taper starts :/. 1.5 mile warm up. 4.5 jog around 7:50 pace. 1/4 mi. cool
thursday- ugh im dying. 1.5 warm THEN ONLY 3 MILES. about 24:30. 4X100 m. strides w. 100 m. walk. 3/4 cool.

ive been eating too much. any other runners out there struggle with bigning.
like i eat normal for breakfast, and lunch( given i only have 20 minutes ) and have about 800 calories, but when i get home, i literally consume about 2000 calories in 1 hour. and its shit, like chocolate and stuff?! and then later i consumer about 800 more. but like its not like im binging, im still hungry. like i can eat normal 800 calories, but im still hungry even if i wait 20 minutes. any body help with this?
i also have a ?.
when would be the time somebody like me ( eats most around 4) weighs the least. i don't feel like it would be in the am, because im still pretty full.

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